
our services


Our joint venture partner, Hatstone Fund Services utilizes PFS-PAXUS as its accounting software. PFS-PAXUS ( is a specialist fund accounting and fund administration system that is the product of choice for administrators of both alternative and traditional funds across the globe.

An established market-leading product, PFS-PAXUS offers fund administrators a complete back-office fund accounting, portfolio valuation, fund pricing solution and shareholder recording keeping administrative solution on a single, fully integrated system that satisfies the needs of the most sophisticated fund administrators.

PFS-PAXUS is revolutionary in that it integrates all the processes that are normally performed on multiple systems, including: securities portfolio, allocation system, general ledger, fee calculation, share registry and investor communications.

Benefits of this approach include increased efficiency, reduced risk of error, faster valuations, a simplified technical landscape and the ability to support complex investment structures whilst vastly reducing IT costs. PFS-PAXUS also brings all the benefits of a modern relational database design such as reliability and scalability. The award winning PFS-PAXUS system supports wholesale fund administration and the administration of all manner of open and closed ended traditional and alternative funds, including hedge funds and private equity investment vehicles.