Fund Solutions

Our Services

Since its introduction in 2020, the new fund legislation and architecture in Singapore has given rise to a meteoric demand for the VCC fund. Coupled with tax incentives, grants, regulatory governance, infrastructure and Singapore’s already booming financial and wealth management environment, the VCC has become the fastest growing fund structure.

In partnership with Hatstone Fund Services, a fund administration service provider for over 20 years, Trinity is able to deliver fund administration services in Singapore leveraging on a long established network in Asia with the fund administration experience and expertise of Hatstone.

The Variable Capital Company (VCC)

The Variable Capital Company (VCC) is a corporate entity structure under which several collective investment schemes (whether open-end or closed-end) may be gathered under the umbrella of a single corporate entity and yet remain ring-fenced from each other.

It is similar to the segregated portfolio company structures in jurisdictions like the Cayman Islands or Luxembourg.

The VCC is regulated under its own legislation, the Variable Capital Companies Act 2018, which came into force on 14 January 2020.

Our services extend beyond the administration of the VCC fund and include the incorporation of the VCC, the ongoing corporate secretarial support and the introduction and coordination of service providers such as tax agents and audit firms.

Benefits of the VCC:

  • It can be established as a stand alone or as an umbrella entity
  • The umbrella structure can lead to consolidation and cost efficiencies
  • It can accommodate different fund strategies and structures allowing for both open ended and closed ended funds
  • The formation of different sub funds allows different strategies, different investors and different sponsors to be accommodated whilst ensuring that each sub fund is independent from each other and that liabilities and risks are segregated
  • The VCC is treated as a single entity for tax filing purposes so only one set of income tax returns needs to be filed
  • Easier to meet conditions for tax exemption as the assets and spending of the VCC include all sub funds
  • Being regulated by MAS in Singapore, the fund structure benefits from the reputation and high level of corporate governance that is evident in Singapore. This increases investor confidence

Family Office

Singapore has created a private wealth management platform that is favorable to single families that want to set up a family office.

Funds managed by an SFO in Singapore can apply under the fund management tax incentive scheme to obtain exemption from tax on a broad range of income. The tax incentive schemes are subject to an application process and approval from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (“MAS”). The tax exemption lasts for the life of the fund.

The SFO structures in Singapore are designed to be exempt from requiring a fund management license

Benefits of A Single Family Office In Singapore

  • Financial infrastructure and business connectivity
  • Highly developed regulatory regime providing investor confidence
  • Favorable tax regime where funds managed and income generated can be exempt from tax for designated investments
  • Exemption from requiring a fund management license and the costs associated
  • Access to work permits for family members and employees
  • Living and working in one of the most popular and vibrant cities in the world

Offshore Funds

The BVI and Cayman have long been the domicile of choice for setting up funds and investment structures.

As the world’s leading offshore financial center for hedge funds, the Cayman Islands offer vast and valuable benefits for investors, including flexible legislation, tax neutrality, and a competitive fund fee structure.

The BVI has introduced fund structures that have a light regulatory regime that have proved very popular for start up managers. These are both quick and cost effective to set up and manage.

Both jurisdictions have also been popular for crypto and fund structures dealing with digital assets.

Benefits of setting up a fund in BVI or Cayman

  • Longstanding track record and solid infrastructure
  • Highly developed regulatory regime providing investor confidence
  • Funds are tax neutral
  • Setting up an offshore manager / investment advisor can be easier than onshore alternatives